Extraordinary! For a legend living in a top community with security up to ass to be robbed and threatened to be killed?! I question Italian law enforcement. Italy does seem to be safe country to live despite all advertisement and image they think they have created. Shame!
"Бедные несчастные мигранты", наверняка!
АдказацьИтальянская мафия футбол бы смотрела.
Extraordinary! For a legend living in a top community with security up to ass to be robbed and threatened to be killed?! I question Italian law enforcement. Italy does seem to be safe country to live despite all advertisement and image they think they have created. Shame!
АдказацьХорошо отделался, повезло.
АдказацьВы с ума сошли... Это точно не итальянцы, кто был в Италии, тот меня поймет.
АдказацьСмешно. Нарикам нас.ть Баджо это или Дель Пьеро.
АдказацьА нариков там тьма.