8 July 2024, Monday, 19:02
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Vučić Called US Serbia’s Historical Ally

Vučić Called US Serbia’s Historical Ally

The President of Serbia stabbed Putin in the back.

Serbia and the US are “allies at decisive historical moments”, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić during a reception at the US Embassy to celebrate the Independence Day of the United States. The text of Vučić's statement was published on his Instagram.

Belgrade and Washington have “long-standing partnerships”, the head of state noted: “I hope that we will continue to develop our relations based on mutual respect and understanding.”

Vučić called the US Independence Day “one of the most important moments in the history of the United States, when the principles of freedom, democracy and equality were laid at the foundation of American society.” “This day also serves as a reminder of the commitment to the spirit of freedom and justice, which are the basis of Serbia's proud past, present and future,” the president emphasized.

In June, it became known that Serbia supplied ammunition to Western countries, some of which were then re-exported to Ukraine. According to the FT, the Ukrainian Armed Forces thus received shells worth €800 million. Later, Aleksandar Vučić called this amount “generally accurate”. According to him, this is an indicator for two to three years. The president emphasized that the sale of ammunition is a business necessary for the “economic revival” of Serbia, and such supplies do not mean that he takes sides in the conflict.

The head of state added that it is none of his business where the shells end up. “I have to take care of my people, and that's all,” Vučić emphasized. He also announced an increase in the volume of Serbian weapons supplies to other countries.

A few days later, Kommersant, citing sources familiar with the situation in Belgrade, reported that immediately after the start of the full-scale invasion of the Russian army into Ukraine, Serbian defense enterprises switched to working in three shifts to produce weapons, which are then sent to Kyiv. The Kremlin, in turn, said that they “will sort things out” with Belgrade regarding the supply of weapons to Ukraine. The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the start of talks with the Serbian side on security issues.

After Vladimir Putin unleashed a full-scale war in Ukraine, many of its closest allies began to distance themselves from Russia. Among them is Serbia. In October last year, Aleksandar Vucic said in an interview with CNN that his country's current priority was joining the EU. Speaking about the situation in Kosovo, he indicated that Serbia was interested in achieving peace and was committed to negotiations. The President noted that he was open to discussing all issues with partners, including “European and American friends”.

In the summer of 2023, the Platinum Wolf exercises were held in Serbia, in which, in addition to Serbian military personnel, servicemen from the United States and several other NATO countries participated.

This year, Serbia was among the countries that signed the final communiqué of the peace summit on Ukraine. In particular, the document states that the summit participants reaffirm their commitment to the principles of protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of any state, including Ukraine, within internationally recognized borders, as well as the principles of resolving conflicts peacefully. The signatories also reaffirm their commitment to UN declarations, according to which states are obliged to refrain from the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any country, and territories acquired by force or the threat of force should not be recognized as legitimate.

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