8 July 2024, Monday, 20:29
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The Lukashenka Regime Is Doomed To Fail

The Lukashenka Regime Is Doomed To Fail

Let's open a history book.

According to Lukashenka, “the Great Patriotic War is the apotheosis of a thousand-year history of wars and battles of Western and Eastern civilizations”. By the way, the ancient Greek word is used incorrectly here. Apotheosis means deification, glorification, which is hardly applicable in this case, writes Solidarity.

Most likely, Lukashenka confused apotheosis with apogee — the highest degree of manifestation of something. But this mistake is forgivable, unlike others.

“Belarus remembers. It also remembers the contribution to the Victory of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition,” the ruler said. And a minute later he contradicted himself: “I will never tire of reminding you that all of Europe fought against the Soviet Union.”

Well, let's open a history book. So, which Western countries were part of the anti-Hitler coalition (in alphabetical order): Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Greece, Denmark, Canada, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the USSR, the USA, France, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia.

They were opposed by Germany, Italy, Finland and Japan. Then Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania, captured by the Nazis, were added to the “Axis: Berlin-Rome”. However, it is hardly possible to talk about the full and even more so voluntary participation of these states in the war: they were controlled by puppet occupation authorities.

To complete the picture, we will add that the Albanian Kingdom, the Kingdom of Montenegro, the Independent State of Croatia and the First Slovak Republic are considered satellites and allies of the “Axis” countries. All these entities were created on the initiative of the interventionists in 1939-1941 and ceased to exist even before the end of World War II.

It doesn't quite fit the whole of Europe, does it?

Oh yeah, I forgot. The USSR was an informal but quite de facto ally of Germany until June 22, 1941. It defected to the anti-Hitler coalition only after it itself was subjected to aggression. And before that...

We can also recall the joint parade of Soviet and Hitlerite troops in Brest and many, many other things that happened at the time when Great Britain, France and other Western countries had already declared war on Nazism.

Now Lukashenka says: “What really unites the collective West today? The thirst for profit at someone else's expense. And a genetic hatred of the victors, of us.”

The naive attempt to cross the West off the list of victors in World War II and relegate it to the category of Hitler's allies is not Lukashenka's invention. This is the narrative that Kremlin propaganda has been trying to promote for the last ten years.

However, the rewriting of history that the current rulers of Russia and Belarus are engaged in is doomed to failure. Just like the regimes that are essentially the spiritual heirs of the totalitarian Hitlerite one.

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