3 July 2024, Wednesday, 11:07
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CNN Reveals Putin's Fears

CNN Reveals Putin's Fears

This is the reason he's waging hybrid warfare.

Russia is stepping up a variety of attacks in NATO countries, waging hybrid warfare, CNN writes.

Rod Thornton, a senior lecturer in defence studies at King's College London, said that there is already a series of attacks linked to Russia, "There's definitely been an increase in these particular types of operations over the last few months. This is something that the Russians are stepping up."

It is pointed out that while all of these incidents may look insignificant on their own, taken together they represent what security experts are calling Russia's hybrid warfare with the West.

The examples cited include the attempted arson attack on a bus garage in Prague, the arson attacks on the Museum of the Occupation in Riga, a warehouse in London, and a shopping centre in Warsaw.

"In April, the German police arrested several people suspected of planning bombings and arson attacks, and French authorities launched an anti-terrorism investigation after detaining a suspected bomb maker who was injured in a failed explosion," the publication said.

According to Thornton, Russia is resorting to a campaign of sabotage as an alternative to a full-scale war with NATO, which would have disastrous consequences for it.

"Part of Russian military doctrine has long been to avoid trying to confront NATO on the battlefield because they know they will lose. They are taking actions that are below the threshold of armed conflict," he said.

In his view, by deliberately keeping attacks below the threshold of armed conflict, Russia hopes to sow more discord within NATO because there is no clear plan on how to proceed.

Nicole Volkov, a researcher on Russia at the US-based Institute for the Study of War, said Russia's main goal now is to disrupt the flow of Western military aid to Ukraine.

"These hybrid operations are part of Russia's military efforts to weaken Western resolve to support Ukraine and undermine unity within the West."

She does not rule out that Russia may be preparing for a more direct confrontation in the longer term: "Russia is conducting and has conducted these hybrid operations against NATO, the West and the EU in tandem with attempts to improve its conventional military capabilities for possible future conflict with NATO."

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