8 September 2024, Sunday, 2:40
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Zelensky: Putin Is Sick, Dangerous, And Will Not Stop Voluntarily

Zelensky: Putin Is Sick, Dangerous, And Will Not Stop Voluntarily

The President of Ukraine now considers negotiations with the Kremlin impossible.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in an interview with the Guardian published on May 31, said that at the moment negotiations with the aggressor country are unrealistic.

According to him, a peace agreement would be a “trap”, since the illegitimate Russian President Putin would violate any agreement.

Moscow will take advantage of every pause in hostilities to further strengthen its position on the battlefield, and sooner or later will deliver a new blow, the president believes.

In a conversation with journalists, he compared the Kremlin’s aggression in Ukraine with World War II, and called “Putin’s methodology” the same as in Nazi Germany with its mass executions and violence.

Zelensky is confident that if the Russian Federation wins in Ukraine, Putin will strive to continue redrawing the borders of Europe, attacking other countries.

“He is sick, but not insane. He's dangerous, it's much worse. He won’t stop,” the president says in an interview.

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