8 September 2024, Sunday, 3:01
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Taliban Movement To Be Allowed In Russia

Taliban Movement To Be Allowed In Russia

Moscow wants to recognise the government in Afghanistan.

The Foreign Ministry and the Justice Ministry have reported to Putin that the Taliban can be excluded from the list of organisations banned in Russia, Zamir Kabulov, director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's second Asia Department, told TASS. Without excluding the Taliban from the said register, it will be premature to talk about recognising the Afghan government, the diplomat said.

Kabulov added that the issue is still being worked out and the Foreign Ministry has a "positive" view on it. "All considerations have been reported to Russia's top leadership. We are waiting for a decision," he explained.

The director of the Foreign Ministry's second Asia Department also revealed that Moscow had sent an invitation to the Taliban to take part in the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. Asked what topics are planned to be discussed with the Taliban at the event, Kabulov said there are many promising areas of co-operation. He mentioned expanding cooperation on purchasing Russian oil products and other "high-demand goods," as well as using Afghanistan's transit opportunities to "expand trade turnover with the vast region."

In 2022, Kabulov said the Taliban would need to fulfil a number of requirements for their government to be officially recognised. These include establishing an inclusive cabinet and beginning to respect human rights in the country. "First of all, of course, it concerns women, their rights to work and other regular civil rights," he emphasised. Asked how the Taliban could be encouraged to establish an inclusive government, Kabulov said: "Let's persuade."

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