27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:24
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Belarusians — To Putin: Build Nuclear Storage Facilities Near Your Bunker

Belarusians — To Putin: Build Nuclear Storage Facilities Near Your Bunker

The Kremlin decided to strike at Poland from the territory of Belarus.

Readers of the website Charter97.org are actively discussing Putin's plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. Here are some of their comments:

“The point of deploying nuclear weapons in Belarus is to strike at Poland from the territory of Belarus, and the response would also fly through the territory of Belarus.”

“Belarus is a buffer zone for bunkering. It seems to be like the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a law recognizing Putin as a terrorist. It's up to Joe Biden. So there was hope that a more serious decision would be made.”

“Perhaps Feltishinsky is right: the point is not at all in the threat of use, but in the actual use of tactical nuclear weapons. After all, Russia's attack on Ukraine was also considered by many to be unrealistic. However, this is what things have come to.”

“Lukashenka hates Poland, he is a mosaic psychopath, and if the risk of a nuclear strike at Warsaw from the territory of Belarus is at least 1%, then Poland and NATO have every reason to strike preemptively.”

“Quicksands. The more you twitch, the deeper you sink. So is Putin, the more show-offs, the lower his status becomes.”

“I believe that the time will come, the war will end in Ukraine, and Lukashenka will end in Belarus. Ukrainians and Belarusians will once again have warm friendly sincere relations. Long live Belarus!”

“Putin, what right do you have to boss around in Belarus? Build storage for your “nuclear stuff” near your bunker. The Illegitimate Cockroach will help you. Go play Russian roulette.”

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