27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:46
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Lukashists Find Themselves Back At Ladder Bottom

Lukashists Find Themselves Back At Ladder Bottom

They got what they were fighting for.

After Aliaksandr Lukashenka refused to resign in 2020 and held power by force, the country is plunging into an economic crisis. A significant role in this is played by the actions of the dictator, which led to large-scale sanctions from the Western countries.

In this situation, Lukashenka quite openly tells representatives of various spheres that they will have to save money, and they may not count on additional funding. For example, doctors. Almost a year ago, commenting on the need for a long-overdue repair of the Vitsebsk Regional Hospital, he suggested: “Collect money, walk around the region with a hat.”

But it refuses additional funding to Lukashenka and those thanks to whom he was able to stay in power during the mass protests in 2020, when the Belarusian society opposed the falsification of the presidential election results and violence against civilians.

The udf website tells what the most ardent supporters of the leader of Belarus “received” for their support.

A message for propagandists: “Don't turn to the budget”.

This March, it turned out that due to the withdrawal of Western and not only advertisers, the financing of state media was in a deplorable state. When their leaders came to Lukashenka for help, they heard the following:

“You must understand, I honestly, sincerely tell you: until you exhaust your earning opportunities, do not turn to the budget. There is no extra money in the budget.”

True, another way out has been found so far: a special “tax” has been introduced on any advertising in the country — the deductions are directed to support the state media.

A message for pro-government politicians: “There is no extra money —you don’t count on it”.

For some time Lukashenka fed his supporters with a promise to engage in party building, thanks to which they could gain more power (deputies under the current regime act as dummies).

But in the summer of this year, they heard unpleasant words.

“However, if one of the party leaders thinks that tomorrow we will cut a piece of the budget pie and give money to a party structure ... Well, guys, there is no extra money, and don’t count on taking it from pensioners and so on,” Lukashenka said.

A message for the OAC and the Ministry of Internal Affairs: “Be patient”.

A month ago, Lukashenka held a meeting on countering cyber attacks on the country's facilities. And how did he respond to the initiatives of the Operational Analytical Center?

“Let's consider these proposals. But I want to warn about the creation of some additional centers and structures. First, you must offer me to secure our state, taking into account what we have. There is no extra money to follow each other and observe something,” said the head of Belarus.

Lukashenka said something similar on November 14, when the entire top of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to him: Minister Kubrakou, Deputy Ministers Karpiankou and Karzyuk. They raised the question of “expanding” the office.

“Everything must fit into a single concept, and we must act adequately to the situation. I am hinting here that there is never extra money. There wasn’t, and will not be. If something needs to be done, then it needs to be done. If it can wait, then we must wait. In terms of expansion, maybe even some expenses to ensure the vital activity of our military units. In general, the power block. Therefore, if it is possible to wait, then we must be patient until a certain time,” Lukashenka said.

A message to the Armed Forces: “We will be able to reduce funding fivefold, and maybe more”

Despite the war on the borders of Belarus, in October Lukashenka said that it was possible to reduce the planned funding for the army “fivefold” (according to him, the Ministry of Defense hatched “large-scale plans to equip the troops for billions of dollars until 2030”).

“You can get carried away with stories from the media and some guys from the blogosphere and go very far, spending a lot of money, and not achieve the result you would like. Therefore, drawing conclusions, learning lessons, we will probably be able to reduce funding fivefold, and maybe more, but achieve the result that we need,” Lukashenka said.

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