12 September 2024, Thursday, 5:09
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Emotional Outpouring Of Vitsebsk Doctor: Friends, Help Us To Save People Of Belarus!

Emotional Outpouring Of Vitsebsk Doctor: Friends, Help Us To Save People Of Belarus!

The situation in the city is getting out of control.

A doctor, an employee of Vitsebsk City Clinical Emergency Hospital, has published a desperate appeal in social networks, the Basta telegram channel reports:

- My dear friends! Help us to save the people of Belarus! I'm a doctor, working at the emergency hospital in Vitsebsk. The situation in our city has started to get out of control. Medics will soon not be able to cope with the flood of patients. A lot of doctors are in hospitals with pneumonia! Distribute this information on social networks. The numbers that go to the WHO are totally mythical.

We remind that information about the situation with coronavirus in Vitsebsk region has started to leak in the media more and more often. At first, Belarusian policemen were banned from entering and leaving the region.

On Monday it became known about the sick actor of the Vitsebsk theatre named after Yakub Kolas, who was in intensive care and was being administered artificial respiration.

According to the media, the number of pneumonia has recently increased in Vitsebsk by at least two or three times. A Vitsebsk doctor gave shocking details in an interview with Radio Svaboda on the number of patients with "pneumonia," saying that the situation with coronavirus in Belarus might follow the Italian scenario.

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