19 September 2024, Thursday, 18:59
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Belarusian: Country Lives According To Someone's Wishes

Belarusian: Country Lives According To Someone's Wishes

The authorities have slept through the flood in Brest.

Brest was flooded after the weekend rain. The city administration blamed the leaves, which clogged the storm drains, while ‘everything is fine,’ writes a reader of Charter97.org:

‘The experienced managers forgot that the same flood happened on the 3rd of June. It's not about leaves, it's about the global problem of Belarus with public utilities. The money should not be siphoned off, not spent on law enforcers and fake ideology, but to solve the urgent problems of Belarusians.

Brest has been constantly flooded since at least 2017.

The horror of ‘developed Lukashism’ is that the country lives according to the wishes of the schizophrenic dictator and his accomplices, while the junta does not care about the problems of Belarusians’.

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