19 September 2024, Thursday, 19:01
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‘Sberbank’: Russians Transfer More Than Billion Dollars To AFU

‘Sberbank’: Russians Transfer More Than Billion Dollars To AFU

And by the end of the year the amount will increase.

Since the beginning of the year, phone scammers have swindled 250 billion Russian roubles from Russians - that's $2.8 billion. The Russian Sberbank has such data.

By the end of the year, according to Stanislav Kuznetsov, deputy chairman of the board of the Russian Sberbank, this amount may reach 300 billion roubles, which is $3.3 billion.

The top manager on Russian TV gave his data on how this money is distributed. One third of it goes to the AFU.

If to believe the Sberbank top manager, the Russians could have transferred $1.1 billion to the Ukrainian army.

Kuznetsov did not say on whose data he relied in his analysis.

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