18 September 2024, Wednesday, 2:59
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Burning Oil Depot In Rostov Region Of Russian Federation Attacked Again

Burning Oil Depot In Rostov Region Of Russian Federation Attacked Again

The fire can spread to tanks with paraffin.

The oil depot in Proletarsk, Rostov region of the Russian Federation, which has been on fire for the sixth day, has been attacked again by a drone, Baza writes citing sources.

According to them, the drone tried to attack the territory of the oil depot around 5am. According to preliminary reports, no one was injured as a result of the drone's downing. There is no official information about a new attempted attack yet.

We remind you, the oil depot caught fire on August 18 after a drone attack.

‘At the moment the fire has not been localised. At the same time, there is a threat of fire spread to tanks with paraffin,’ writes the resource.

According to 161.ru, the sounds of explosions woke up the residents of Proletarsk at about 03:30 in the morning. There were two of them about 10 minutes apart.

‘It was very loud, I woke up from the explosion. The glow lit up Proletarsk. Most likely, this is how the fuel is finishing to burn,’ the publication quotes the words of one of the local residents.

According to Proletarsk residents, they find pieces of burnt corrugated sheeting in their yards.

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