18 September 2024, Wednesday, 2:54
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Ukrainian Armed Forces Closing ‘Mousetrap’ In Kursk Region

Ukrainian Armed Forces Closing ‘Mousetrap’ In Kursk Region

Ukrainian soldiers are “standing closely” on the bank of the Seim River near Korenevo.

The fighting in the Kursk region continues on the western and southeastern outskirts of the bridgehead created by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, while the Ukrainian military destroyed the last of the pontoon bridges across the Seim River, which are being built by the Russian military on the site of previously destroyed permanent crossings.

“And now there is a big question: will Russian troops really remain in the Tetkino area along the border and probably end up surrounded, or will they try to retreat further across the bridges they have built,” Russian military analyst Yan Matveyev said on air at Сurrenttime.

He says that the Russians are building temporary bridges for supplies, not for the withdrawal of the group, while there have been no signs yet that Russian soldiers are leaving their positions along the border.

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