8 September 2024, Sunday, 2:37
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Political Prisoner Andrzej Poczobut Still Held In Cell-Type Premises

Political Prisoner Andrzej Poczobut Still Held In Cell-Type Premises

He remains in the Navapolatsk Colony #1.

One of the leaders of the independent Union of Poles in Belarus, Hrodna journalist Andrzej Poczobut has been behind bars for 40 months. On February 8, 2023, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

He is currently serving his sentence in the Navapolatsk Colony #1, where he is constantly under pressure, writes Viasna.

Vice-chairman of the Union of Poles in Belarus Marek Zaniewski said during a solidarity action with a political prisoner in Białystok that Poczobut was still being held in the cell-type premises:

“Unfortunately, there is no information about Andrzej. He is still in Navapolatsk, sitting in the cell-type premises in isolation, and nothing is happening. All this information that has been circulating in recent months, some said that he was released, some said that he was taken to the border — all this is not true, all this is fake. We are very upset that such situations are happening. The situation with Andrzej remains very difficult and we do not see any improvement today.”

Place of detention of the political prisoner:

penal colony #1,

211440, Navapolatsk, Tekhnichnaya st, 8.

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