8 September 2024, Sunday, 2:19
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National Resistance Center: Russian Soldiers Will Be Banned From Communication With Their Families

National Resistance Center: Russian Soldiers Will Be Banned From Communication With Their Families

After conversations, "the mothers or wives of the 'heroes' ask unnecessary questions to the authorities".

The Russian authorities decided to deprive the invaders of the possibility of communication, taking away their gadgets. The reason for this was the massive leaks of information about the losses of the Russian Federation in the war against Ukraine.

It is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the National Resistance Center.

In case of non-compliance with such a requirement from the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Russian invaders will face disciplinary arrest for up to 10 days.

As explained in the report, the main reason for this step is the massive leakage of information about enemy losses in Ukraine.

The occupiers in telephone conversations complain to their relatives about the total violation of their rights by the command, non-payment of the promised funds, huge losses and unwillingness to die in Ukrainian landings.

"Because of such 'news', there are isolated cases when mothers or wives of the 'heroes' ask unnecessary questions to the authorities," the NRS explains.

Russian military reporters are dissatisfied with this innovation, claiming that such a step, if strictly carried out in the combat zone, will lead to "absolute paralysis of military command and control and loss of control of troops."

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