8 September 2024, Sunday, 3:03
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Labor Market In Belarus Experiencing Acute Personnel Shortage

Labor Market In Belarus Experiencing Acute Personnel Shortage

There has never been such a deficit before.

There is another anti-record on the labor market in Belarus. On July 20, the number of vacancies exceeded 164 thousand. For comparison: on July 17, there were about a thousand fewer, writes zerkalo.io.

As of July 20, 164,058 offers from employers were posted in the national vacancy bank at the time of publication of this text. This is another anti-record. For comparison: on July 17, there were 163,009 vacancies, on May 31, there was a shortage of 154,010 workers, and on March 26 —141 thousand.

Currently, the largest number of workers is needed in Minsk — 40.4 thousand.

For 69.2 thousand vacancies out of 163, salaries of up to 1,000 rubles are offered. 10.4 thousand ads promise to pay from 2,000 rubles. As a rule, employers indicate amounts before the deduction of taxes.

Meanwhile, workers are “evaporating” in Belarus. Thus, in April, the number of people employed in the economy decreased again, Belstat reported. This figure had previously grown in March and February, and before that it had been falling for three months in a row.

The problem of the shortage of workers in Belarus has not been solved for several years. Among the reasons are the departure of specialists to work abroad, as well as dismissals due to “political reasons”.

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