8 September 2024, Sunday, 2:39
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Belarusian Border Guards Report Detention Of Foreign Legion Fighter

Belarusian Border Guards Report Detention Of Foreign Legion Fighter

The man was detained because of his hobby.

On May 29, law-enforcement officers detained a local resident in Maladechna suspected of smuggling. This was reported by the press service of the State Border Committee.

In his house they found components for assembling unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as a “homemade” air rifle, a German Mauser rifle, 7.62 mm ammunition, bullets for a small-caliber rifle, badges, chevrons and medals of the French Foreign Legion, and Nazi symbols.

“It was established that the man served in the French Legion from 2000 to 2005 and participated in hostilities in Africa. According to the detainee, his current hobby is assembling drones for personal purposes. In addition, it was established that the man actively participates in the discussion of various topics in extremist Telegram channels,” the State Border Committee said.

Despite the detainee’s explanations, the State Border Committee is confident that he assembled drones not as a hobby, but “for smugglers.”

The detainee was placed in the temporary detention center of the Maladechna District Department of Internal Affairs. A criminal case was opened against him, but they did not specify under what article.

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