27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:32
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Excerpt Of Svetlana Alexievich's Book Gets Into Russian USE

Excerpt Of Svetlana Alexievich's Book Gets Into Russian USE

The State Duma deputy demanded a check.

An excerpt of "Chernobyl Prayer" by Belarusian writer Svetlana Alexievich was included in the texts on which it was proposed to write an essay during the early USE at the end of March.

The precedent, according to the Russian media, so outraged the public that the problem reached the state level.

State Duma deputy Nina Ostanina has headed the campaign to establish the truth about how an excerpt of a work by an unfriendly author was admitted to the state exam.

The deputy sent a letter to the Russian Minister of Education demanding to investigate the situation.

The request states that the children read a quote by an author who is characterised by "blatant Russophobia", "dislike for the Union State of Russia-Belorussia" (while people who deliberately twist the name of a supposedly friendly country are apparently driven solely by love) and who has received "orders and awards from NATO member states".

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