23 December 2024, Monday, 0:14
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Missiles Hit Russian FSB Building Where Ukrainian Soldiers Were Tortured In Donetsk

Missiles Hit Russian FSB Building Where Ukrainian Soldiers Were Tortured In Donetsk

Powerful explosions thundered.

In the temporarily occupied Donetsk on Friday morning, December 20, explosions thundered. Local residents reported a missile strike on the building of the so-called “Ministry of State Security of the DPR”, writes “Novosti Donbassa”.

We are talking about the former tax office of the Kalininsky district on Shevchenko Boulevard. After 2014, the building was used by FSB officers of the aggressor country Russia, the public reports.

According to “Novosti Donbassa”, the “MGB DPR” interrogated and tortured detained Ukrainian soldiers before sending them to the “Izolyatsia” prison.

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