Officials To Cancel Some Tax Breaks For Belarusians
3- 12.12.2024, 13:31
- 6,252

The Ministry of Finance has provided details.
The Finance Ministry has provided details about which tax breaks they want to cancel for the population and what effect they expect from this. Let us recall that the innovations are provided for in the draft amendments to the Tax Code, the document was approved in two readings by the “parliament”, now it is under consideration by the “council of the republic”, writes Zerkalo.
They want to deprive the population of two benefits. Firstly, to gradually cancel the preferential rate on income tax on the income from dividends. This applies to both individuals who have shares in companies or who are owners of Belarusian companies, and legal entities.
Secondly, the authorities intend to cancel the concessions on income tax on the income that people receive from the sale of shares in the authorized capital of Belarusian organizations and their shares. Now these incomes are exempt from the fee.