Slauharad Police Chief Dies At Age Of 44
33- 15.11.2024, 11:39
- 14,384
In 2020, he complained about the inscription ‘3 per cent’.
Andrei Lazakovich, head of Slavgorod police and former head of Krychev police, died at the age of 45, reports ‘Nasha Niva’ with reference to the departmental publication of ‘On Guard’.
Andrei Lazakovich was a lieutenant colonel of the police. In 2018, he headed the Krychau police. In 2022 he was awarded the sign ‘For Selfless Service’ of the 1st degree. The award was presented by the Minister of Internal Affairs Ivan Kubrakou.
Since 2023 Lazakovich headed the police of Slauharad.
It is interesting that in September 2020 he himself complained to the police about the appearance of the inscription ‘3%’ near the Lenin monument in Krychau.