6 October 2024, Sunday, 17:28
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Loud Ultimatum To Moscow From The Hague

Loud Ultimatum To Moscow From The Hague

The fate of the Crimean Bridge has been decided.

The Kerch Bridge must be dismantled, because this is the only way to restore free navigation in the region. This was reported by Ambassador-at-Large of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Anton Korinevich in a comment to a Ukrinform correspondent in The Hague.

According to him, the Ukrainian side hopes that the tribunal in The Hague will hear Ukraine.

"And again, in response to the demand to demolish the so-called Kerch Bridge, everything is absolutely logical, because this is an obstacle to freedom of navigation, which continues, and when the Ukrainian ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk raise the Ukrainian flag again, this bridge will continue to harm and violate freedom of navigation, so in fact, there is simply no other way to restore freedom of navigation in these waters. The bridge must cease to exist - that's a fact," he said.

During all the hearings in The Hague and public statements by the Ukrainian side, it was repeatedly emphasized that there is no other way to ensure free movement of ships.

He also noted that, in addition, the bridge has a negative impact on the ecological state of the region, causing violations of the requirements for the protection of the environment and cultural heritage, in particular underwater artifacts. These environmental consequences may only become apparent in decades.

“Therefore, again, this structure, it violates the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and therefore it must cease to exist. Now the tribunal will decide on this claim of Ukraine,” Korinevich said.

According to him, the Ukrainian delegation made efforts to demonstrate to the arbitration tribunal Russia’s violation of the rules of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea concerning freedom of navigation, transit passage, environmental protection and the preservation of cultural heritage.

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