27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:22
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Former Secretary General Of NATO: There Is No More Window Of Opportunity For Russian Army

Former Secretary General Of NATO: There Is No More Window Of Opportunity For Russian Army

The Kremlin knows about it.

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin knows that the “window of opportunity” for Russian troops on the battlefield is closing, so he will apply maximum pressure.

Former Secretary General Of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen told about it, according to Ukrinform.

According to him, Europe has demonstrated the ability to produce the necessary number of weapons for supplies, but "this is not the time to rest, this war is far from over".

Mr Rasmussen added that Putin is trying to drain Ukraine and the West after his unsuccessful attempts to divide and intimidate.

“Russia has responded to Ramstein’s decision by increasing attacks on Ukrainian cities. Therefore, instead of preparing for the spring offensive, we must act in response to the inevitable offensive now. Putin and his commanders know that there is no more ‘window of opportunity’ on the battlefield for them, and they will put the most significant pressure they can,” the former Secretary General said.

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