8 September 2024, Sunday, 2:47
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Hrodna Implements Sewerage Disconnection For Residents With Unsettled Utility Debts

Hrodna Implements Sewerage Disconnection For Residents With Unsettled Utility Debts

A new method of dealing with debtors has been invented.

New methods of dealing with debtors for utility services are being used in Hrodna, reports a local TV channel.

A Hrodna resident who had not paid utility bills for 32 months had his sewerage system blocked. A plug was lowered down the riser, which blocks water drainage only in a specific apartment. The water flush will not work in the toilet, bath or kitchen.

The man has a utility debt of 3,900 rubles and a penalty of 23 thousand rubles.

“If a person pays his debt, then everything will be returned. The plug will be removed again, and everything will be returned to its place,” says Yauhen Kichko, first deputy director of Kastrychnitski district of Hrodna communal and utility service.

Utility workers say that a lawsuit was filed against this Hrodna resident “to force him to alienate his residential premises.” But if the man pays the debt, the case will not go to court.

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