8 September 2024, Sunday, 2:46
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Russians Admit Blowing Up BAM On China's Border For First Time

Russians Admit Blowing Up BAM On China's Border For First Time

And showed video of the aftermath.

Russian propagandists qualified the blowing up of the North Sea tunnel in Buryatia, which was carried out by the Security Service of Ukraine last night, as a "terrorist act".

This is reported by Baza.

The Russians said that the cause of the explosions in the tunnel was "sabotage" and investigators opened a criminal case under the article "terrorist act".

"On November 30, unknown persons blew up a freight depot on the Itykit-Okusikan crossing consisting of 50 wagons (41 tank cars with diesel fuel and 3 tank cars with aviation fuel). According to the locomotive crew, the voltage dropped while passing through the tunnel. While the crew members were figuring out what was wrong, the tunnel began to smoke heavily - the crew secured the train and left the tunnel," Russian media reported.

The propagandists also reported that as a result of the explosion, 16 tank cars from the head of the train burned out, two tank cars had holes in the drainage area. It was possible to remove 14 tank cars after the explosion, but further transportation of the cars is not possible so far - the explosion seriously damaged the rails and the fuel flooded them.

In addition, according to Russian media, another train was later blown up in the area. Four tank cars from the train burnt out, two more were damaged by fire. According to preliminary data, the fuel spilled over an area of 150 square metres.

Prior to the Explosion

As RBC Ukraine was told by its own sources, tonight there was an explosion on the Baikal-Amur Mainline, namely in the Severnomuyskiy tunnel named after Bessolovo, which is located in Buryatia.

"In fact, this is the only serious railway communication route between Russia and China. And now this route, which Russia uses for military supplies among other things, has been paralysed," the interlocutors said.

According to the newspaper's sources, the explosion is another successful special operation of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), although the security service has not officially commented on it.

Four explosive devices went off while the goods train was travelling. Now the FSB is working on the site, railway workers are unsuccessfully trying to minimise the consequences of the special operation.

Later, Russian propagandists said that "the cause of the goods train fire was a short circuit in the cable network" and showed a photo.

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