3 May 2024, Friday, 6:11
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How Today's “Schwonders” Make Lists Of “Parasites”

How Today's “Schwonders” Make Lists Of “Parasites”

Even the father of a seven-year-old child got into the database of “parasites.”

Leanid Sudalenka, a lawyer of the independent trade union REP, told Narodnaya Volia how the writer Nika Rakitsina was excluded from the database of “parasites” and why these lists include those who should not be there.

– Homel resident Liudmila Bahdanava (her pseudonym is Nika Rakitsina) actually asked us for help, because she was included in the database of “non-employed people,” – Leanid Sudalenka says. – Accordingly, she had to pay for utilities at higher rates. When we analyzed the situation, it turned out that Liudmila Bahdanava should not be in this list. A woman is 56 years old, she belongs to a group of citizens of pre-retirement age, which means she should not overpay for anything.

We helped Liudmila Bahdanava to file a complaint with the Homel City Executive Committee and the Central District administration. As a result she was excluded from the database of "parasites."

– How did they include people in there?

– As Professor Preobrazhensky from the Dog Heart used to say: “I did not appoint him there, Mr. Schwonder gave him a recommendation.” I don't know how today's “schwonders” make lists, but they didn't look at Liudmila Bahdanava's age for sure, otherwise she shouldn't have been in this base.

And how did the other five people from Homel got on those lists, who were then expelled from the base with our help, too? How did the father of a seven-year-old child, who can't be a “parasite”, get there?

I have suggestions that the district authorities simply take the old lists of “parasites,” send out notifications to everyone, and then start to figure out who is right and who is to blame.

But imagine how much such mistakes will cost to people who should not be on the list of “parasites”. For example, Homel resident Maryja Tarasenka, who is also exempt from paying for the utilities at higher rates, had to pay five times more for hot water. Since October 1, the “parasites” will have to pay for gas many times more. And this, believe me, is a very serious blow to the family budget.

We carry out explanatory work in social networks, saying that people should consult us. We promise to look into each case personally.

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