21 September 2024, Saturday, 4:04
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Leanid Sudalenka: Maryja Tarasenka’s Stance Commands Respect

Leanid Sudalenka: Maryja Tarasenka’s Stance Commands Respect

The housewife who has been added to the list of “parasites” shows that she is not just the population in this territory, but a citizen of her country.

The officials were right when they registered the housewife as a “parasite.” Such a ruling has been delivered by the Chyhunachny district court of Homel, which denied compensation from the “commission” to the Homel woman, Belsat reports.

The dignity was not hurt. Judge Illia Svirydau did not satisfy Maryja Tarasenka’s complaints against the officials, who called the housewife a “parasite.”

“The sheer fact of disclosing the information that I was fault for not working, and the communal charge and the cost of heating water were increased by several times, is moral suffering,” Maryja Tarasenka says

The court determined that the appointees had spoken politely to the woman, and therefore the claim for 1,000 rubles of compensation could not be satisfied.

“As a minimum, Maryja Tarasenka’s stance commands respect. She came to show that she is not the population in this territory, but a citizen of her country,” – Leanid Sudalenka, legal inspector of the REP independent trade union, notes.

However, the verdict will be appealed in higher instances. And the legal basis is really great.

The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, Article 41. The state creates conditions for employment of the population, and forced labor is prohibited. There are also words about state unemployment assistance. There is no separation of people involved or not involved in the economy and even more so no punishment for not working.

But, despite the obvious controversy of the Constitution, human rights activists are still looking for an answer: is it possible to protect one’s elementary rights in this system?

“Today we, lawyers, cannot answer this question. The decree itself is absurd from the legal point of view. Our proposal to appeal against the actions of officials in court ran aground, you see,” – Aleh Vouchak, head of the Legal Aid to the Population human rights organization, says.

“Maryja Tarasenka’s fighting in court of makes sense,” – Andrei Stryzhak, her representative in court, says:

“The time will come when a line will be drawn under all the actions of the authorities that now exist in Belarus. And everything will be evaluated. We are doing the work for the long run.”

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