9 February 2025, Sunday, 18:24
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Lithuania Takes Measures To Counter Emergency Situation At BelNPP

Lithuania Takes Measures To Counter Emergency Situation At BelNPP

Citizens will receive free pills.

The replacement of potassium iodide tablets has started in Lithuania. More than 5 million tablets worth 0.5 million euros have been purchased for the residents of municipalities within 100 kilometres of the nuclear power plant, DELFI writes.

These pills protect the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine. They started to be distributed in Lithuania in 2020 after the launch of the Belarusian nuclear power plant for the case of an accident at the BelNPP.

Former stocks of potassium iodide, whose expiry period expired in December 2024 and part will expire in February 2025, are recommended to be returned to pharmacies. During the last cycle, about 2 million tablets remained unclaimed and were disposed of.

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