17 February 2025, Monday, 3:40
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Keep Believing

Keep Believing

Time is on our side.

Many this year have abandoned the tradition of summing up the results of the year. It's too complicated and uncertain. People are confused and do not know what to expect.

I don't think you need to wait for anything. We just have to live and do what we can. And we can do a lot. Stay human. It is necessary to help each other. To love your country. Don't lose hope.

Today, more than ever, we need to hold on to each other. Remember that it is always harder for someone than for us. Think about those who will celebrate the New Year in a Belarusian prison or at the front in Ukraine. It's really hard for them, they really need help and support.

I celebrated Christmas with women political prisoners who passed through Belarusian prisons. One of them, having a higher education, works today in Warsaw at the simplest job, rents a small room, but, despite the difficulties, says: "After prison hell, I like everything, the main thing is that I am safe."

Another woman, who was recently released from prison, said that she and other prisoners were supported in detention: "We thought about the Ukrainians under missile attacks, and realized that they feel even worse." I was struck by these words. Being in the most difficult conditions, these women found the strength to sympathize and empathize with others!

I understand how difficult it is in Belarus today. But I know that even under a dictatorship, people still are living with hope. They appreciate what they have, their family, loved ones. They work, treat, teach, create, help each other as much as they can and believe that one day everything will change for the better.

We must continue to believe in our country and Belarusians, wherever we are. No politician can disappoint you enough to give up your homeland. We need to rise above any conflicts and disputes and make every effort so that we can live in our normal state.

Hundreds of thousands of Belarusian citizens were forced to leave everything and go to foreign countries. Everywhere I go, I meet my compatriots. Here are my observations: almost all the Belarusians I met are looking for and finding themselves in new conditions, they work hard, are full of hope and are ready to return home if the situation changes. In the meantime, they are gaining experience that will certainly be useful to our country.

Again, at Christmas, I was at the Belarusian service in St. Alexander's Church in Warsaw. It was amazing. The huge temple was full, people were standing even on the street. Together with priest Viachaslau Barok, Belarusians prayed for all political prisoners, for fighters fighting in Ukraine, for a free and democratic Belarus. There was such strength in this that there was no doubt: we would have everything, everything would work out.

The main thing is to never lose hope. Objectively, time works for us and against Lukashenka. Look at this old, decrepit stuffed animal that can barely move its legs. It is so mad with fear that it is trying to threaten the world with non-existent nuclear missiles. The main sponsor of this misery – Russia – is also exhausted by the war. Putin is the same rag, a walking dead. They really can't do anything more than scare us out of their last pathetic little bastards.

Therefore, I want to say again at the end of this next difficult year: continue to believe. We will not lose anything, but we will gain a lot: happiness, peace and energy to live and act.

Natallia Radzina, Editor-in-Chief of Charter97.org

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