6 May 2024, Monday, 18:43
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Mikhail Pastukhou: Ministry Of Internal Affairs' Actions Can Cause Roma Protests In Belarus

Mikhail Pastukhou: Ministry Of Internal Affairs' Actions Can Cause Roma Protests In Belarus

Authorities have crossed the line by raiding the Roma.

The Charter97.org website asked the former judge of the Constitutional Court of Belarus, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor Mikhail Pastukhou to comment on the words of the Minister of Internal Affairs Ihar Shunevich that "there is no reason to ask for an apology from the Roma" for the brutal raids:

– On the one hand, the question of whether or not to apologize is purely ethical. Representatives of the authorities, including the internal affairs authorities, must decide how to act.

But, on the other hand, from a legal point of view, the pressure on the Roma population and the subsequent use of pressure measures, of course, grossly violate the constitutional rights of citizens.

This large-scale action is in fact a form of some kind of intimidation, tyranny that has swept across the country against this national community.

I believe that these are completely wrong methods of investigation, where, in the absence of any information, the whole nation is being persecuted.

Such methods are subject to public condemnation. They are unacceptable in a modern state. I think that such activities of the internal affairs agencies may result in numerous complaints from the Romani population, as well as protests, because the authorities, so to speak, have crossed the line. First of all, from a legal point of view.

I would like to emphasize that as far as the moral and ethical component is concerned, this is an internal matter of each of the representatives of the authorities.

– At the same time, the same Shunevich said today that suicide is the main version in the case of the traffic police officer's murder. It turns out that the Roma are being pursued for nothing...

– Then it is all the more unreasonable to take large-scale measures throughout the country if the main version is suicide. Why bother other people, put them under suspicion and use force? The logic of the authorities is completely incomprehensible.

If we look at this situation from the outside, the version of suicide may be the last among other versions, which is evidence of violence against the traffic police officer.

There's a good chance that there was a murder that was staged as a suicide. Terrible tricks. It will later become known what it was.

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