3 May 2024, Friday, 7:29
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Barysau Resident’s Heart Cry: People Fed Up With Snotty Authorities

Barysau Resident’s Heart Cry: People Fed Up With Snotty Authorities

The authorities advised those Barysau residents who remained without electricity to “go buy flash-lights”.

A reader of the Charter97.org from Barysau spoke about the condition of the residential district Lyadzishcha and how the authorities ignore the requests of local residents.

“Sorry to distract you away from more important topics, but our only hope is with you. We know that after the publications on your website, Belarusians have a hope that at last officials of various ranks and local authorities, even if only for a short while, will turn to the urgent problems of their citizens.

It seems that in Barysau, after the statements of Lukashenka about the external threat from NATO and the reform of the housing and utilities sector, they really began to prepare people for life in dugouts and trenches.

In the district of Lyadzishcha (Dniaprouskaya St., a former military town), the conditions have been created that are close to the territory where military operations are conducted.

For a long time there is no street lighting. And this is in the busiest place, where every day people go to the bus stops, to the hospital, children go to school, etc.

People appealed to various instances, in 2017 they wrote to the Deputy Chairman of the Barysau district executive committee.

The answer was: lighting is not provided, buy flashlights. People walk on the roadway, where cars drive. There was a case when a car hit a woman. When there was snow, everything was somehow visible, but now everything is melting and there’s total darkness.

During the month, hot water is turned off every day for the whole day, people are not given any information. They do what they want. It turns out that for the whole town there is only one working gate valve - in order to change the tap in the house for someone, all 60 houses are turned off.

The whole district has been dug up and looks like a line of defense with dug caponiers and trenches. In the area of house #30, a pole with wires bent 45 degrees directly above the roadway.

Landfills and garbage cans are the main “attraction” of the area, which can only be rivaled by numerous groups of drunkards who feel at ease here. Eight drinking establishments in the area of 150-200 meters, some sell alcohol until 00.00 hours daily. The police are not visible here.

The people are fed up with everything, in the next elections we will support those who are inclined to democratic changes, who are against arbitrariness, theft, who will force the snotty authorities to work and care for their citizens. Long live Belarus!”, said the reader of Charter97.org.

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